Casa M.E.

La Calera – Colombia

Año: 2022
Location: La Calera  –  Colombia
Usage: Private Residential
Collaborator: Pablo Mejía
Area: 380 M2 

The M.E. house is a glass and Steel pavillion which stands on and among concrete volumes.
  • The regular rhythm of the columns is maintained throughout the entire length of the house. The different carácter of private and social spaces is marked only by the additional height of the living room.
  • The kitchen, laundry and bathrooms are located in the solid volumes and lend privacy to the house. A half height, free-standing wall encloses a small courtyard that illuminates the hallway. The hall’s walls are clad in wooden panels which, when struck by sunlight, irradiate heat to the rest of the house.
  • The crystal pavillion sits atop a volume which contains a spa and a family room.